Thursday, August 20, 2015

Improvise - Sabotage From Friends or Just a Miscommunication?

Light at Last - a blog about weight loss

Dorothy Rodwell, LMFT

August 20, 2015

Noticing a time
When others offer comfort food
That upsets the plan

You are on track and that feels really good!  You are eating well, being active, and setting and getting your feedback that the body is responding to all that you are doing ….and likes it!  In fact, you are noticing that the idea that “I enjoy becoming thin” is sounding and feeling true.  In fact, it is guiding you toward a lifestyle success.  What a great makeover is in progress!

And then you notice that others are not having the same response to your new adventure. Your friend  may be eating fat laden foods and offering them to you.  Other friends are with you and yet, they offer advice about becoming too thin and how obsessive you have become.  What’s happening?

No,  your friends have not abandoned you but their subconscious/emotional mind is taking charge.  Remember they are not you and have not been inside your body/mind as you have been shifting thoughts, behaviors, and emotions.  Their connection to you had been based on their past relationship to food and to you.  Now that you have changed a bit, it may take some time for them to adjust and tune into your success.   And they may miss the food connection that you had in the past.

There is an interesting article by Colleen Pierre in Prevention called Dieting With The Enemy:  Are friends and family making you fat.  The website is

Consider that being on the journey to joyful living the way you wish is the real prize!  Remember that love in the connection; not food.
By communicating honestly and kindly, others can enjoy your joy as well.  Next week I’ll discuss the work of Marshall Rosenberg and specific examples of how to communicate when difficult feelings are involved.

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